Watch MEGADETH Rehearse For European Tour

January 18, 2020

MEGADETH has uploaded a short video of the band rehearsing earlier this week ahead of its European tour as the support act for FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH. Check it out below. The trek will mark MEGADETH's first shows since frontman Dave Mustaine received treatment for throat cancer, with which he was diagnosed last May.

MEGADETH's tour with FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH and BAD WOLVES will visit 14 European countries starting on January 20 at the Hartwall Arena in Helsinki, Finland and ending on February 20 at the Budapest Sportarena in Budapest, Hungary.

The 58-year-old MEGADETH leader revealed his cancer diagnosis last June on social media. Five months later, he gave an interview to Rolling Stone in which he said that he wasn't officially in remission but that he had finished the necessary treatment and had started rehabilitation. He also credited his faith for getting him through the ordeal.

"I've been praying for a long time, and when this whole thing went down, I prayed a lot," he said. "I don't force it on anybody; I never would do that. But I prayed about it, and I believe that that was the whole reason I got healed so fast. A lot of people's asses are probably going to grow together right now that I said this, but the truth of the matter is, everybody has their own things that they believe. And I believe that taking good care of myself and being physically fit, as well as spiritually fit, got me back to this point."

Although most of MEGADETH's 2019 tour dates were canceled as Mustaine battled the disease, the MEGADETH-curated Megacruise — which took place in October — still departed as scheduled, with Dave absent from the ship.

Tour rehearsals wrapped! Get ready Europe, we’re coming for you!

? Mcabe gregg

Posted by Megadeth on Saturday, January 18, 2020

Megadeth - Poison Was The Cure (Rehearsal 2020)

2nd day of rehearsals and a short video of Poison Was The Cure ☢️


Posted by Megadeth Worldwide on Wednesday, January 15, 2020

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